News Detail


Mar, 2018

Umpire Clinic offered Sunday 4/8 12-4.

It can be a 'hard' job, but we need your help doing it.

We need umpire help at our AAA , Major and Junior level games.  Parrish is offering a clinic on Sunday, April 8 from 12 to 4 at Holland Youth Park.  It will be taught by Doug Perret.  Doug has an extensive background not only umpiring Little League games, but is an instructor for Little League as well.  He can break down the skills and build confidence in a first timer and help fine tune someone that has stepped up and umpired in previous seasons. 

What do you need to umpire?  We have gear that we an loan you to wear that will help the impact of a ball that gets past the catcher.  That's the easy part.  Other needs - a willingness to volunteer, four hours of your time (okay more, but to give you the tools - the clinic time),  commitment to kids, oh, and because you're working in close proximity with players, a background check and concussion certificate (it's a 30 minute online course) is necessary.    

What do you get in return?  A basic understanding of the rules and mechanics of being a Little League umpire, grateful teams, a thankful set of parents, a board that appreciates your willingness to 'step up to the plate', a close of view of  a great game, maybe a bruise or two, sweat - oh yeah, and a free hot dog and drink from the concession stand after umpiring.

Please consider volunteering to be an umpire - gain a little knowledge during the 4 hour clinic - be an active volunteer for Parrish Little League - the kids and league need you! 

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